Terms of service.

SWG Animus ToS:

  • Using the SWG Animus discord means you agree to abide by the global Discord ToS.
-We are forced to moderate content or we are at risk of discord removing our server. 
-We do not encourage or tolerate derogatory behavior to other members in our discord server. 
  • Keep content SWG related. 
-Refrain from posting graphic or obscene images/videos/gifs etc.
-This includes nudity and gore. 
  • No doxing of any kind will be tolerated. 
-Do not post any type of personal information of another user.
-This includes, but is not limited to: Names, phone numbers, addresses, pictures, places of work, etc. 
  • No harassment outside of allowable game mechanics.
-Do not threaten another user with any type of real life implications such as using violence/stalking etc. 
-Refrain from email/tell/@ spamming. 
-Users are encouraged to utilize their /addignore or block feature on discord and in game prior to filing a complaint. Not liking what someone has to say is not reportable. Attempts to circumvent such mechanics will be punished. 
-We expect the community to be able to police itself through in game means. Just because someone is doing something you may not like or agree with, it does not mean they are worth reporting. This is a sandbox game.
  • No cheating/hacking/duping etc. 
-Do not use any type of external programs or cheat engines while playing on SWG Animus (We will catch you).
-This includes exploiting known bugs in game for personal gain. 
-This includes any type of circumventing of in game systems for personal gain (No kill trading aka fightclubbing)
SWG Animus is a privately run server, we always have the final say and can amend the ToS at anytime. We also reserve the right to remove community members for any reason not specifically laid out in the ToS. 
All violations will be handled on a case by case basis.